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Quotation Sheila O'Flanagan probably regrets repeating

No evidence that the famous scientist said it #2008i (Hello India and Ireland!)

| By Greg Fisher

A holder of the the blue badge of identity engaged in spreading false information. #Error24 #Ireland #falseinformation #India

Needing a face-recognition-while-wearing-a-mask option on my phone ????

— Sheila O'Flanagan ?????? (@sheilaoflanagan) August 12, 2020

It was Einstein: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results ??

— Sheila O'Flanagan ?????? (@sheilaoflanagan) August 12, 2020

The last laugh

He never said that. You are an insanity VIP, Ms. O'Flanagan. #falseinformation ????

Congratulations. Honorable Mention: Tripfiction

I'll accept an apostrophe in a name (sometimes), but I draw the line at camelcase. What's to stop sOmEtHiNg <-- like this?

— Greg Fisher (@creditscoring) August 15, 2020

Sheila O'Flanagan is no Rita Mae Brown
