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Ahmed #falsity

New Yorky sticks head in sand

| By Greg Fisher

On Twitter, with a link to the New York Times article by Frances Robles (@FrancesRobles) "Notre Dame, Michigan State Shifting Online as Campus Outbreaks Grow," Haitham M. Ahmed falsely wrote, "'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.' -Einstein"

He has not apologized. #n7182402000 #TheEstablishment

Silly New Yorky Who Says That he is MD and "Chair of Cardiology, @ACPNY" Makes False Statement - Loser blocks truth teller

Poor widdy physician! Him just fun-tweeting. Runs into wall of truth. Boo hoo, hoo!

Falsity remains. #OstrichEffect #falsity #NY #SillyNonsense #false #md

— Greg Fisher (@creditscoring) August 23, 2020
